Flemington BMW

Aug 10, 2017


I know, I know, having to stop at the gas station to fill up is always an inconvenience. That’s why I got a new 2017 BMW 3 Series 328d xDrive from Flemington BMW. I get 30 MPG in the city, which means less time spent at the pump filling up. But sometimes it gets reeeeally tedious to look down, see I’m low on gas and then have to stop in the middle of my drive to where I need to go to stop at the gas station, fill up, and then go on my way. So, one time I took a chance it and didn’t stop. Big mistake. Biiiiig mistake.

I was headed to my mom’s house, which is a good hour and a half away, and I was already running late. I knew I was kind of low on gas, but I had faith in my new car’s fuel efficiency and so decided to skip stopping to fill up on the way in favor of getting there at least a little faster and avoiding some of my mother’s wrath. But as I was driving, my car let me know that I needed to fill up by making that helpful beep and I, of course, ignored it. I could go for like three hundred more miles, right? Wrong.

About thirty minutes away from my mom’s house, my car just kind of… stopped. I managed to pull over, but there was nothing to be done. I was out of gas, and now I was really going to be late. No avoiding that one when you’re stopped on the side of the highway with an empty tank and no help in sight. Luckily I had my phone and could call my brother, who was already at Mom’s, to pick up a couple gallons of gas and bring them to me. I felt foolish but it was the only thing I could do! So, about 45 minutes later, my brother showed up, we put the gas in my car, and I made it to the nearest gas station to fill up. My brother came too, mostly to laugh at me. I did make it to Mom’s, but I was two hours late. Thank goodness she also decided that this was funny, because I don’t think I could take mom-anger after my adventure by the side of the road.

My advice for you is to never let your car get so low on gas that this happens. Even if your vehicle is crazy fuel-efficient like mine is, you’ll still have to fill it up every now and again – your car can’t run on air alone! I think another good tip is to always make sure your cell phone is charged when you set out on a longer trip (or any trip, really) in case you need to call for help. I don’t know what I would have done if I hadn’t had my phone available to call my brother.

Anyway, now I always make sure I never get below a quarter tank of gas, especially in the winter, and I haven’t had an adventure like that one since. I hope my story and advice help you too, and if you’re in the market for a new car that gets great gas mileage, check out Flemington BMW and they’ll help you find the perfect car.