Flemington BMW

Sep 1, 2017

Blind spots are a real pain in the patella – seriously! Most vehicles have ‘em and when we’ve got ‘em we hate ‘em. I need to stop saying “‘em” so we’ll stick with the more formal “them” for the duration of this blog. So, when you have these blind spots, it might seem like an almost impossible task to get rid of them, or even just ameliorate the situation you’re in. You know, where you’re driving along and a car comes up to you out of NOWHERE just when you have prepared to merge into the next lane over, and then you end up swerving and looking like a fool and feeling like an incredible danger to those on the road. Situations like that. And that’s why I am here! To guide you through understanding and overcoming your blind spots. The great thing about this is that the process involves almost no emotional soul-searching, so you can do all of this very easily from the comfort of your own home!

Now down to brass tacks. Or, the wire. I am not very good at metaphors. To business! The first thing you can do that will pretty much completely eliminate your blind spots is to get two small convex mirrors for your side mirrors. You can find these pretty much everywhere, and they are cheap, and you just take them and stick them on to your mirrors and there you go! No more blind spots, at least in the back. Some cars have blind spots in the front, and the only remedy for those is to peer around them.

You can also get a wide-view rearview mirror clip on thing, which is reasonably useful, but there are several ways to adjust your mirrors to get rid of blind spots. They seem uncomfortable at first, but they really do work! Here’s how:

  1. Adjust the rear-view mirror so that it best covers your view straight out the rear window.

  2. Set your side mirrors out fifteen degrees on either side.

  3. Lean your head over to the center of the car and adjust the right side mirror so that you can barely see the side of your car from this position.

  4. Lean your head over to the left so that it is even with the window and adjust the mirror so that you can barely see the sides of your car from this position.

  5. You now have full coverage of everything behind and to the side.

If you don’t want to spend any money at all on small mirrors, this is your best bet!

Good luck on the blind spots. Remember that you should always look in your mirrors and behind you; even if you think you’ve eliminated all your blind spots, you can never be too safe on the road!