Flemington BMW

Dec 28, 2017


It’s that time of year for long road trips and bored passengers – so we’ve put together a list of our favorite games to play in the car for passengers of any age! The driver can get in on most of these too, so you’ll be able to break up the tedium of the road with these great games. Check them out and share your favorites on our Facebook!


  1. Alphabetical Categories – start with a category (i.e. food, music) and then start from A and travel down the alphabet naming things within that category

  2. 21 Questions – a classic, you have to guess what one person is thinking in 21 questions or less. You can’t repeat a question that’s already been asked, and whoever guesses it correctly gets to think of the thing for the next round.

  3. Word Association – one person starts with a word, the next person has to think of a word that’s associated to that previous word in some way, and the game goes onward until someone makes a mistake or says something way too out of the realm of possibility to count.

  4. The License Plate Game – see how many license plates you can spot from different states/provinces! This is harder and harder the shorter the trip is!

  5. While You Were Sleeping – when someone falls asleep, everyone else who is awake has to create the most believable story possible. Stay in character – if you don’t, you lose a point. If someone goes off-script, ask “are you sure?” This is a great game for everyone!