Flemington BMW

Jul 25, 2018

One of my favorite things to do in the summer is to give my beautiful BMW a bath. I mean, it looks beautiful 24/7 but when it is sparkling clean, I am proud to cruise around town behind the wheel. Plus, let’s save you a little cash and get you outside to enjoy the summer weather to scrub-a-dub your beloved BMW. This week I have your guide to a perfect, spotless car wash right from the luxury of your driveway. Take a look below and get outside and starting washin’!


Clean the wheels:

  • I like to start by cleaning my wheels and tires first. Why? Many times these chemicals are the harshest that you would use during the car cleaning process. If you get any of these chemicals on your vehicle you can simply wash them off during the actual car wash itself. So, spray on your cleaner and let it sit for 30 seconds to two minutes. Take a sponge or a rag and give your wheels a good scrub to get rid of that nasty grimy buildup. Rinse when you’re done and repeat if your wheels are still dirty.


Rinse down the vehicle:

  • Next, you want to rinse down your vehicle from front to back, top to bottom. Not only does this make the process a little easier by getting rid of loose dirt, dust, or other particles but it will get rid of any particles that can cause scratches to your vehicle’s paint. A wet vehicle will also allow the sponge to glide much more smoothly than if you were trying to wash a dry vehicle.


Bucket + Water + Soap:

  • Fill your bucket with a proper amount of soap and the rest with water. Whether you choose a sponge or washing mitt, dunk your washing tool into the bucket of soapy water and begin to wash your vehicle from the top down. If it is a warm, sunny day, avoid letting the soap dry on your vehicle. Once you make a few passes over the vehicle, rinse the soap off. Make your way around the vehicle, now!


It’s time to dry:

  • If you can, park your vehicle in the shade to avoid any water spots from appearing, especially if you do not have time to hand dry your vehicle. Take a microfiber towel and begin drying off your vehicle. Use a circular motion and make your way around the vehicle. Don’t forget about all the cracks that water may have made their way into, like door jams or your trunk!