Flemington BMW

Feb 28, 2022

We’ve all been there. Someone pulled out in front of you without warning, causing you to have to break suddenly. Someone’s talking or texting on their phone and drifting into your lane. Someone’s tailgating you because they’re in a rush. It’s understandable to be upset when you encounter a reckless, haphazard driver, but letting your aggravation get the best of you only results in a more dangerous driving environment for everyone. We here at Flemington BMW want to make sure our community is as safe on the road as possible. So, we’ve compiled 5 tips to help you deal with instances of road rage. If you find that your agitation is stemming in part from having to drive an old outdated vehicle, let us help you out! Come on in to Flemington BMW and we’ll send you home refreshed and smiling in a new 2022 BMW! Schedule a test-drive with us today!

5 Tips For Dealing with Road Rage:

  1. Do Not Engage- We know it’s tempting to let other drivers have a piece of your mind, but verbal or physical communication can be a distraction to everyone on the road.  
  1. Take Deep Breaths- Deep breathing can help take your mind off of the subject of your aggravation and calm you down. 
  1. Listen to Calming Music- If you can safely switch your radio to something soothing we recommend you do so and listen at a moderate to low volume.
  1. Pull Over- We know that with busy commutes this one may not always be possible, but do not be afraid to pull out of traffic to recenter yourself.
  1. Take A Defensive Driving Course- These courses help you prepare against all sorts of unexpected driving conditions and have the added bonus of potentially reducing your insurance rate.