Flemington BMW

Mar 9, 2018


Have you ever pulled into the parking lot, thought you had a space on lock, and then when you pulled up to turn in saw there was someone there parked too far in, an abandoned shopping cart taking up space, or it was just too tight because the cars next to the space were parked badly? Don’t be that person who everyone secretly hates in the parking lot. Here are some etiquette tips to make sure your parking lot manners are in tip-top shape.


  1. Make sure you’re parked straight. Always check to make sure you’re inside the lines of the space you’ve chosen. A good idea is a couple of cheap convex mirrors stuck to the bottom outside corners of your side mirrors. These are usually inexpensive at the store and make a world of difference when parking. They also let you see if you’re in the middle of the lane on the highway, as well as letting you see the curb when you’re parallel parking in the city.

  2. Don’t abandon a shopping cart. Usually, stores have corrals for their carts, and it’s just a matter of good citizenship to put your cart into one of them after you’ve finished unloading your purchases into your vehicle. It’s usually not a good time for anyone if you don’t see it in time and hit it – your paint can get scratched, your sidewalls can get dented… not fun. If you spot one in a parking space and you’re not battling for territory with other vehicles, have your copilot get out and move the cart so you can take the spot. That’s two birds with one stone – the spot is yours AND you’ve returned the cart to where it belongs.

  3. Use your turn signals. If you’re in a busy lot and see a spot you want, just turn on your signal. It’s easy and lets people know what you’re trying to do. Parking can be confusing – make it easier for your fellow drivers by signaling.

  4. Don’t park too close to someone else. Or park too far into a spot. Or across multiple spots. There’s a golden rule of parking – be the driver you want to encounter. Think about how you’d like everyone to park, and then do it. Maybe you’ll start a trend of great parking! You’ll be a national hero! It starts with a single decision to park well.

  5. Park far. We’re all trying to get out and get active more and more these days. So maybe instead of duking it out for the closest spot to the entrance, park farther away. There are fewer cars to contend with, more spots to choose from, and you’ll get a little physical activity in as a bonus.


Hopefully, some of these rules will be helpful to you! And remember – when in doubt, park far out!