Flemington BMW

May 29, 2019

You do it, I do it, every driver on the road has a little road rage demon that creeps up at the worst times. And whether you and your family are planning a road trip this summer or you are ready to keep calm behind the wheel no matter what the trip duration is – this week’s blog is just for you! We have a few tips that will help keep that road rage demon out of sight, out of mind. So, take a peek at our tips and be sure to stop in to see our team for a test drive today! We know you’re ready to upgrade – hurry on in today!


Recognize your rising anger

    • The most obvious signs of road rage are often physical that emerge after an act has taken place. This is often your tone of voice, language, gestures, or muscle tension. By catching your anger before it worsens, will prevent anger from turning into aggression/ road rage.

Take time to calm down

    • If you feel yourself feeling angry, pull over and take some time to calm down. Pull onto the shoulder, when it is safe to do so, and recollect your thoughts, take a few deep breaths before returning to the road. It’s better to be a few minutes late to your destination than being angry behind the wheel because of some knucklehead driver that cut you off.

Drive defensively

    • If you come across an aggravated driver, it’s best to let that person pass and be on their way. Keep your distance and be alert of any sudden changes that may occur on the road ahead of you. Don’t take your eyes off the road, tailgate or block traffic. Mind your business, stay focused, and get to where you are going!

Resist retaliation

    • If someone is driving slow or cuts you off, you may want to honk your horn, scream, or use profane gestures. Not only will this not help you but it will aggravate the other driver and can lead to potentially dangerous situations. Avoid these gestures, honking, flashing your high beams.


So, are you ready to get behind the wheel of a brand new BMW this month while keeping calm? If so, come see our team right here at Flemington BMW and let’s get you behind the wheel!