Flemington BMW

Feb 2, 2018


Traveling with a human’s best friend – a dog! – is one of the greatest joys in life. However, you need to make sure that they are comfortable and having a good time! Here’s how!

If your dog is sick, they should not be traveling. Hire a dog sitter or find a good place to board them if you’re going to be away for a while. A trip to the vet is also strongly encouraged if your dog is feeling ill and it’s not a result of a health condition.

Make sure you have plenty of water for your dog to drink on the trip. The best water to bring is either filtered/distilled water or the water you typically give your dog at home, which might be water from your tap. Dogs have sensitive GI tracts and can react badly to the minerals and particulates in “new” water.

If you travel with your dog in a crate, make sure that their crate is large enough for them to stand up, sit down, turn around, and lie down in. Put some soft blankets or towels in the bottom and give your dog their favorite toy for the ride. If your dog doesn’t travel in a crate, get a harness tie-down so that your dog can’t wander and injure themselves in the car.

Letting your dog stick their head out of the window is not a good idea. There’s a lot of dirt and debris on the road (and bugs in the summer) that can get into your dog’s eyes and ears and cause injury.


Finally, stop often for potty, water, and exercise breaks. Feeding your dog while traveling is a bad idea, so stick to water and exercise. You might need a stretch as well if you’re taking a long trip!