Flemington BMW

Nov 27, 2017


When you’re in the market for a new car, the first thing you’re going to do is pick some that you like, whether online or in the lot, and then go for a test drive. Yes, you need to take that test drive, friend! Here’s how they usually work, in terms of using the test drive to determine if the vehicle is right for you or not:

BEFORE TEST DRIVE: I have so many questions about this car. I am going to keep a list and make sure that I answer all these questions so that I can make an informed decision about my vehicular future.

DURING TEST DRIVE: This car is the best! Car. I love car. Vroom vroom. I am FAST and BEAUTIFUL.

AFTER TEST DRIVE: Yeah, um, it had a steering wheel. And went… forward? Maybe also backward. Good car.

Don’t be like this. Have a list, remember the list, bring a friend to prompt you with the list during the drive. To make it even easier, we have created a list for you to bring so that you don’t even have to think about it.

  1. How is the ride in the vehicle? Is it bumpy, smooth, or detached? Of course, the ride will always depend on what type of vehicle you are testing, but does it meet your expectations?

  2. Test the brakes to see how they are. Are they rubber-band-y? Responsive? Slow? Sticky? The most important question is: would you trust them to save your life? Test the brakes in every type of situation you can imagine.

  3. How’s the acceleration? Can you get up to the speed you want in the amount of time you want? Acceleration can make or break the vehicle for a lot of people.

  4. From inside of the vehicle, is it loud? Can you see out of all the windows properly?

  5. How are the steering and handling? Check the turning radius by making a U-turn somewhere safe. Can you get down curvy roads with ease?